Technology and Educational Films

For inquiries, please contact ProTechU at +1 310 430 8570 and
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Metadata. Redesigning Bounce/Export pages for all devices that output digital files

WHITE PAPER ON REMIXES, FIRST SALE, AND STATUTORY DAMAGES you helped shape by sponsoring us to attend the Copyright Office round table discussion.

Open Letter to Rolling Stone Magazine.

Sad Story.

Technology for One Click Micro-Licensing of all content on the Internet

How to license content easily

Drop down menus

Kendra Hub Signpost Presentation


Hollywood Elite: Unsound
In collaboration with Vertebrae Productions. Creating awareness, educating and exploring the impact of technology on the creative community to help expedite the creation of a system to protect and fairly compensate the creators of intellectual property.

Hollywood Elite: Free@What Co$t?
Exploring the impact of technology on the creative community to help expedite the creation of a system to protect and fairly compensate the creators of intellectual property.

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A charity dedicated to creating a climate in which the arts and humanities may flourish.
Let's nurture and sustain intellectual property.

© Copyright 2015 - Hollywood Elite Films